7 networking tips to supercharge your blog growth

 If you want to supercharge your blog’s growth, I’ve got more advice for you.

When you first start growing your site’s traffic, it can seem like a slog. There’s a lot of waiting. But we don’t like waiting, so let’s get proactive.


By building your community and developing relationships with other bloggers in your niche.

AKA Networking.

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Below are my top 7 tips (that I still use every day) to connect with other people in your niche.

1. Read their blogs and follow them on Facebook, Twitter, or wherever you both spend time.

Pick and choose who you want to engage with, then read their blog and follow them on Twitter to see what they are like and their interests.

That way, you can engage them in conversation without asking the same boring questions everyone else does.

2. Engage them

Let them know you’re a genuine fan of their work by leaving a comment and sharing their blog posts on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

Now you don’t want a run-of-the-mill, surface-level comment like “great post!” Make sure you comment on a question that incites conversation and demonstrates you took knowledge from the post.

Doing this allows them to take note of your presence and check out your page.

3. Write about them and link to their blog.

If you mention someone on your blog or write a whole post about them, send them a little tweet saying you inspired them to write about them and see what happens. Maybe one of your heroes will even leave a comment on your blog. I was thrilled when marketing genius Seth Godin commented on my blog, and we exchanged emails too.

A short interview or book review is always a good starting point. If you can’t write a whole post about them a Twitter recommendation is good too, like this:

“LOVE these tips on [niche] by @bigbloggersnamehere” – Don’t forget to link to their blog too.

4. Use their first name.

If you email someone, use their first name so they know you’re not sending the same thing to zillions of people. Even better, add some other personal information that lets them know you’re paying special attention to them, such as:

“Hope you’re keeping warm in New York this winter.”

5. Be brief and appreciative.

When you email social media influencers, or anyone else, keep it short. Five lines should do the trick. Anything more will make their eyes glaze over.

Be clear about why you’re emailing them. If you’ve built a genuine relationship, you might be ready to ask them to do you a favor in return. For example: “I’ve written a new ebook about hair care (attached) which I think will interest you and your readers. If you like it, I’d love it if you tweet about it or review it on your site. I really appreciate your support.”

6. Take it offline.

Meeting people face to face (or over Zoom!) builds relationships faster, so it’s worth investing in time offscreen.

If someone's in your area, don’t be afraid to offer to meet up with them to get a coffee and pick their brain. If you connect to someone outside of your area, Zoom them! One silver lining to over a year of distancing has been the access to people globally through video chat services like Zoom or Google Chat. Use this to your advantage!

7. Keep at it.

It takes some time to build strong networks and friendships. Keep repeating these steps, and you should build up a strong network of bloggers, both big and small, who will be willing to help you out.

Finally, remember that networking is about meeting people and having fun. If you do that, you will meet the right people over time to help your blog grow.

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