Don’t Panic Over Market Volatility (Predicting the Next Bitcoin)



Why Market Volatility Doesn’t Make Us Panic
With the Nasdaq still down roughly 5% from its February high, many of us have seen our positions pull back right alongside the markets. It can seem like a scary time for most investors. But it’s important to always keep our strategy in mind when we see volatility like this

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This Theory Is Predicting the Next Bitcoin
We’re now entering the later stages of crypto adoption… and it’s the perfect time to ride the gains of the next trillion-dollar coin.


The Joke’s On Us
Joe Biden may say his trillion-dollar infrastructure plan will help America "win the future." But the real benefits won't be for everyday people at all... they'll be for the well-connected, politically motivated elite, with their big plans and payoffs...


Questioning the “Normal” Path (in Family and Money)
In this week's mailbag edition, Tom talks about his latest contrarian investment idea (collecting copper pennies)... whether one should hold gold or real estate... and what he suggests in saving for retirement...


This Could Be the Trade of the Century
It might have big implications.


Governments Don’t Like Crypto… Big Whoop
Governments don’t like crypto. They can try to ban it… But they won’t succeed.

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